Monday, March 15, 2010

First Week

Monday AM: Well, I didn't get up and run (I thought briefly about lying to myself and saying it was dark and I really do not know how safe it is...but honesty is always the best policy so I threw the thought out with the coffee grounds as 6:30 hit). However, I am actively trying to learn how to forgive/forget (especially of the self, doing so for others comes with more ease) and roll with the ripples. So, I grabbed my gym bag and went to the Matteson gym after work (also stopped by Sports Authority and got 2 pair running shoes because they are having a crazy awesome sale - one pair for stability [Hello Kayano!!] and one for generic runs {holla at my 2100 series}). Saw Rika, Allison, and JB workin' on their fitness and did 9.0 mph sprints on the 'mill. Then did some leg work and jetted like a plane. So, was it early and done with, no. Yet, perhaps more worthwhile because I got to see a friend I miss. Lesson? Be like the Lotus, dude.

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