While slicing mangos to dry in the dehydrator (yeah for second hand food processing items!) I decided to catch up on some "This American Life."
What was the topic you may ask?
MANGOS! No joke! As they pertain to poverty vs. prosperity in Haiti. Who knew that that mangos could become one of the most profitable exports for the country? Also, quite a controversial question: Could the earthquake have been the best thing that happened to the country? Now, hold on. I too was aghast, but hear this out. If the old way (NGO's putting out multiple small fires but often having funding cut before completion of a project) has left Haiti with increased levels of poverty year after year, could a new process, in which all eyes are now focused on re-vamping the entire countries interlocking systems, could this finally bring a new definition of relief? Or, I then ask, will this be another adoption and forced Westernization of a developing country? What about relationships?
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