Sunday, September 21, 2008

Stuff No More

So many implications of the title phrase:

  1. Seeing the beauty in becoming a minimalist

  2. The feelings I had after returning from San Francisco this past spring

  3. Wondering when I will quit stifling my creativity in order to obtain a grade for a class, that really, I just have to pass--all the thoughts that flicker and then fade because they must be stuffed in a corner of my mental cave in order to focus attention on the task at hand

  4. Ah, but then, is just passing enough-the perfectionist tendencies

  5. Balance...I seek it, especially after the recent ankle sprain (therefore seeking both physical and psychological balance) but really, PIS RED is in a constant state of flux

My intentions for this blog are that it will be a place to confront myself, to communicate, and to facilitate creativity. It is a self-challenge because though I expect it to be cathartic, it will also be a battlefield. I will be pulled between the desire to simply create organically, to be entirely honest, but to post with the self-imposed standards of perfectionist in denial. The poet and the pragmatic will duel continuously.

The items colored above are topics on which I intend to expound in subsequent posts. I do not want to make mountains of molehills by attempting to existentially/philosophically stretch the meaning of a thought or experience (that would be rather irritating I believe). However, as one who it turns out is more of an introvert than an extrovert (which is difficult to admit) I analyze, I compare, and then I ruminate some more; so, I will not apologize for the thoughts and struggles (and thoughts about the thoughts and struggles) to be documented because like a Thanksgiving turkey frozen till Christmas (Holla for the Holidays) I have stuffed too long.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are amazing.

This exercise in introspection is a brave, powerful, and emancipating big gulp toward optimal self-awareness. Props to you, Sista, for allowing your heart to speak through the filter that is your mind.

It's sometimes such a frustrating process to verbalize the feelings you can't name; but I believe in you. I support you in every aspect of this cathartic journey.

Here's to occasionally- dysfunctional families, often-challenging inner voices and always-underlying personal love.

Supportive like a sport bra,